10 Awesome Mechanics That Make ALL Video Games Better

2. Bullet Time

Just cause 4
Superhot Team

Bullet time is a literal game-changer of a mechanic that allows players to manipulate time one way or another, typically slowing things down to wreak more strategic havoc against enemies.

Bullet time as a concept was inspired of course by The Matrix and John Woo movies, and popularised by the brilliant Max Payne, which allowed players to slow down gameplay to balletically fly through the air and blast the bad guys to Hell.

In the 20+ years since, bullet time has appeared in just about every major genre, from action to RPGs, platformers, and even racing games.

It has been implemented in so many different and creative ways - such as Super Hot, where enemies only move when you do - and beyond the fact that slowing things down often makes things easier for the player, it's just damn cool to watch the carnage unfold in slow-mo.

Bullet time has been a crutch in even many mediocre games, because like pizza it's tough to screw up completely. Just try and name a game that wasn't made better because of a bullet time mechanic - we'll wait.

In this post: 
Max Payne 3
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.