10 Awesome Video Game Levels Nobody Remembers

5. Constantine’s Mansion - Thief Gold

Constantine’s Mansion - Thief Gold
Looking Glass Studios

It’s pretty common knowledge that the Thief games have some of the best levels in all of video games so everyone will have their favourites but due to their age a lot of them have been lost to time since we’re talking about a level made decades ago now. Constantine’s Mansion is a level you’ll encounter in Thief Gold, the 1999 expanded edition of the original game.

In short, like many incredible stages from the series, it’s a masterclass in game and level design.

Things quickly get twisted and creepy until you realise the world itself is warped. The music and sound design is genuinely chilling and amps up your unease in discovering the mansion is essentially a supernatural maze and your initial quest to knick a sword out from under everyone’s nose is more complicated than you’d bargained for.

This level works particularly well because you aren’t primed for things to get this twisted at all so it’s all the more impactful.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.