10 Awesome Video Game Levels Nobody Remembers

4. Convergence - Dreamfall: The Longest Journey

dreamfall the longest journey

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey is the second in a trilogy of adventure games released between the late 90s and 2014. It tells a massive story about a science-fiction world and a fantasy world existing in parallel to one another and the balance that needs to be maintained between them. While the first game centred on just one protagonist, 18-year-old April Ryan, its sequel Dreamfall has three protagonists; a now older April, Zoe Castillo from the sci-fi Earth, and Kian Alvane from Arcadia, the fantasy Earth. You spend each level of the game taking control of these characters in turn as they go about their own journeys and objectives with their own goals and motivations.

It all comes to a head, though, in one of the game’s best chapters, Convergence.

Here you’ll get to see your protagonists’ lives and worldviews collide in ways that are super satisfying given how much of the game you’ve played through as each of them separately. This is especially interesting when Kian and April run into one another as they’re unknowingly on opposite sides of the same conflict and you’ll get to choose how you want to communicate as each of them as the dialogue progresses.

Essentially this level is one of the best narrative moments in one of the coolest stories video games have told so on this list it goes.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.