10 Awesome Video Game Levels Nobody Remembers

6. The Prison Level - Amnesia: The Dark Descent

amnesia the dark descent
The Chinese Room

There are lots of reasons that a video game level could be awesome and nobody remembers it. Maybe it’s because the game is inundated with awesome levels. Maybe it’s because it’s a fairly old game or not a lot of people played it. Or maybe it’s because even the people who did play the game eliminated said level from their memory out of trauma or had to stop playing at said level because it was too scary.

Just so there’s no confusion you can file me away into that second category.

The prison level in Amnesia: The Dark Descent somehow takes a gameplay experience that is already almost unbearably terrifying and makes it even more horrifying. The survival horror game already gives you nothing to defend yourself with and the lantern in your hand is really only a beacon to let the grotesque-looking gatherers know where you’re at so they can come do a murder on you. The prison level is absolutely riddled with them, it’s pitch black, and incredibly hard to navigate around. If you’ve been lucky enough to not play this one or forget all about it, just go on living your life and enjoy.

If you’re a scary games junkie though and you haven’t checked it out you’re going to need to do that right away.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.