10 Best Video Game Secrets, Easter Eggs & References Of 2018

5. Marvel's Spider-man - Marriage Proposal

Red Dead Redemption 2 Easter Egg

This one is kind of sad/tragic, but...we're still going to go with it.

Superhero games, especially the open world ones, are often crammed full of throwbacks and references to their extended universes and works. Collectables often nod to previous adventures, or fourth-wall breaking comic books highlighting other stories. Usually self-contained to the genre, the occasional real world Easter egg slips through.

In this instance, it came from a young American chap who pitched the idea of his proposal in-game to Insomniac during development of one of this year's biggest games. As it transpires, the relationship had gone sour between development and launch, yet no one told Insomniac.

So when it was discovered and the story broke, it served as a harsh reminder of the fractal nature of changing relationships and the course of time. Whether intentions were noble or just misaligned, it still serves as a wonderful example of breaking the fourth wall Easter egging.

(Just don't try this yourself, you romantic types).


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.