5. Newer And Fairer Gaming News Sites
Another practical victory on the GamerGate front. Many gamers have been inspired by the scandal to bring forward alternative gaming journalism websites that attempt to provide more balanced coverage of video games. This shows that GamerGate supporters not only want to disassociate with biased reporting but are engaged with improving videogame journalism as a whole. These alternative sites include gatheryourparty.com, nichegamer.net, apgnation.com, goodgamers.us and many more are being promoted on the GamerGate hashtag on Twitter. This opportunity has also been used by GamerGate supporters to promote sites that have covered the scandal in a more balanced manner, such as techraptor.net. With more gaming news sites being given the spotlight, its now easier than ever for gamers to find balanced coverage of videogames, free of any political agendas or passive aggressive bullying.