10 Disgusting Video Game Achievements You Should Be Ashamed Of

8. Scrotality - Dead To Rights: Retribution

mad max maggots
Volatile Games & YouTube: Rooster Teeth

Cult classic third-person actioner Dead to Rights: Retribution boasts an achievement sure to leave anyone owning a crotch crossing their legs and squirming in anguish.

While playing as protagonist Jack Slate's canine companion Shadow, you can pop yourself an easy 'cheev by going to town on a goon's nether-regions with the groin takedown attack.

The game spares little detail in depicting Shadow chowing down on an enemy's knackers, the dog biting down with enough force to drag the poor sap up off the ground as their most private region is permanently transformed.

The understandably agonising screams don't help quell the abject horrort on display, either. No matter how desensitised to video game violence you might be, this attack just feels personal.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.