10 Exact Moments That Made Fans Hate Gaming Franchises

2. Pick A Colour, Any Colour - Mass Effect

Mass Effect 3.jpg

Mass Effect 3 was unquestionably one of the most anticipated video games of the last decade, with fans excited that their decisions made over the course of the trilogy would finally pay off with a deep and meaningful ending.

But then the game came out, and after spending potentially hundreds of hours reaching the end, fans were told that none of their choices really mattered much, and they simply had to pick a colour in order to watch a multiple choice ending.

The result was one of the most vocally angry backlashes in video game history, with fans even exploring legal options against BioWare for "false advertising", which it was ultimately deemed the game was not guilty of.

Nevertheless, BioWare cowed to immense pressure and released an Extended Cut which added extra content to the game's ending, even if it was ultimately just a patch-job to fix a game whose structure and through-line were fundamentally counter to what fans expected.

Many were so soured on the game they never even bothered to play the follow-up, Andromeda, which amid mixed reviews ended up under-performing commercially and resulted in EA putting the franchise "on ice" for the foreseeable future.

A sad fate for a once-beloved series, but one which BioWare ultimately brought upon themselves.

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Mass Effect 3
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.