10 Games We Secretly Wish Had Multiplayer

8. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron

From the moment we sat down and watched the original Star Wars trilogy for the first time, our lives were changed forever. Piloting along the trenches of the Death Star in order to send a missile down a tiny exhaust port, or bringing down a giant AT-AT on the snowy planet of Hoth was all we ever wanted to do from then on. Then, out came Star Wars: Rogue Squadron for the Nintendo 64. Offering the ability to experience everything from the Star Wars films and more, it was absolutely a dream come true. We sat down, bulky controller in hand, and started up the game. Regardless of the foggy environments and low texture quality, it was all we were hoping for. Filled with excitement, we rang our friend's house the next day, inviting them to come over with their controller so we could play this revelation of a game together. Excitement was quickly followed by disappointment though, as the realisation dawned that no multiplayer mode existed, no matter how many menus were navigated through. The tale ends on a happy note though, after Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike blasted onto the GameCube, finally bringing co-op to the series.
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