10 GENIUS Ways Players Beat Video Games

8. Using A Dance Dance Revolution Pad - Celeste

Super Mario 64
Matt Makes Games & YouTube: Games Done Quick

Celeste is not only one of the greatest platformers of the last few years, it's also one of the most brutally difficult.

But along came streamer "PeekingBoo," who is not only an extremely skilled Celeste player but has been able to beat - and freaking speedrun - the game's famously challenging C-Side levels on a Dance Dance Revolution dance mat.

The level of co-ordination required to pull this off basically borders on magic, with each of the mat's buttons bound to the game's more conventional controller layout.

To somehow make it even more impressive, he talks while carrying out the run, while also ensuring to collect every single Golden Strawberry across the levels - which can only be achieved by completing each stage without dying.

All this and he beats the lot inside of a cool 15 minutes - and to be clear, these are levels which mere mortals can suffer through thousands of deaths before beating.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.