10 Greatest Late Title Cards In Gaming History

1. The Last Of Us

Easily one of the saddest scenes in all of gaming due to the unbelievable talents of all involved; Neil Druckmann's direction, Troy Baker and Hana Hayes' moving performances as Joel and Sarah respectively, and the context with which everything takes place combine to enter this opening sequence into gaming legend. Naughty Dog's finest would go on to win multiple awards, enamouring itself to fans and critics alike in what feels like 'the next step up' in video game storytelling, but even for newcomers or those who at the time new of the reputation around this 'Citizen Kane of games', right from the first few moments it was one hell of a gut-punch to get things started. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DidjobKweCs#t=71 In a move that's slightly reminiscent of Paul Greengrass' United 93, that movie ends with a very poignant cut to black in the middle of an otherwise very emotional and heated scene, so to does the image of a sobbing Joel holding his daughter cut directly to the stoic game logo, presented so bleakly it manages to set up the tone of the game perfectly. What are your favourite late title cards in gaming? Let us know in the comments!
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