10 Infuriating Video Game Bosses NOBODY Beat First Time - Commenters' Edition

3. SigrĂșn - God Of War (2018)

Witcher 3 dettlaff

If you're going to actively seek out an optional boss to pick a fight with, maybe you shouldn't then have the gall to whine about how difficult they are. Then again, great risk often begets great rewards, and who is Kratos to deny the chance to murder a god?

SigrĂșn is the Queen of the Valkyries, and can only be fought after defeating the other eight Valkyries found throughout the game. Once Kratos places their helmets on their respective thrones, a small portal opens up in the centre of the area, and within a second of touching it, the player is catapulted right into the boss fight of a lifetime.

The queen is extremely aggressive, barely giving you any time to recover after taking damage. It's the sheer unexpectedness of her arrival - no cutscene, no grand foreshadowing, not even a pause to take in what's going on - that will have the average player on their last legs before they even get a good hit in.

Patience and reflexes are what's needed to end this armoured angel, and these things seldom come without a healthy dose of player death.

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The Witcher
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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.