10 Infuriating Video Game Bosses NOBODY Beat First Time - Commenters' Edition

2. Yunalesca - Final Fantasy X (2001)

Witcher 3 dettlaff
Square Enix

A legendary heroine and the namesake of Yuna, one of the game's primary characters, Yunalesca is a devout follower of the teachings of Yevon, and when the gang show up with the intention of putting an end to the shambolic religion, the dangerous zealot simply can't have that.

If you're not prepared for what's coming, this battle is nothing short of INSANE. Even when stacked up against other bosses of the game, both before and after it, Yunalesca presents a difficulty spike that can easily mow down newbies and experienced players alike.

Not only does the boss fight last three excruciating stages, but the boss herself has an arsenal of shockingly devastating attacks that she's not at all shy about using. Her main weapon is the Zombie status, which reverses the effects of healing items and actually hurts you if you try to use them.

If you make it through that, then she also casts Mega Death on your entire party, which you have to be zombified to live through. In short, you can't win.

Well, you can, but if you do it on your first try, you're simply not human.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.