10 More Out-Of-Place Scenes In Recent Video Games
1. The EMMIs - Metroid Dread
Even those who unabashedly love Metroid Dread may struggle to defend the periodic encounters with EMMI robots throughout the game.
Upon coming across one, Samus will be chased through the area until the player is either able to flee or hide by using the Phantom Cloak.
If caught, the player has a brief chance to counter and escape, though they'll most likely be killed and sent back to the last checkpoint.
These sequences are without question the most commonly complained-about aspect of the game.
Given that players are unable to easily defend themselves and may simply end up waiting for the EMMIs to leave the area, many feel that these asides are monotonous dead weight in an otherwise thrilling, brilliantly paced game, if not outright antithetical to the core design philosophies.
Whatever your own take they definitely came out of left-field, even with the EMMIs being featured extensively in Metroid Dread's marketing campaign.