10 Most Addictive Video Games Of All Time

5. World Of Warcraft

World Of Warcraft Dragon
Activision Blizzard

Many people believe that WoW is Blizzard’s first entry in the world of Azeroth but, in actual fact, there had been three entries prior to the MMORPG dating back as far as 1994. The franchise had steadily been building a dedicated fan base but the designers couldn’t possibly have envisaged 100 million accounts being created by the time January 2014 rocked around.

If any more explanation were needed as to this game’s enormous worldwide success; the Guinness Book of World Records have officially declared WoW the most popular MMORPG, by subscribers, in the world – it’s very unlikely the game will ever be toppled from this lofty position.

Personally, I’ve never played World of Warcraft to any great extent but many of my friends and colleagues are still heavily invested in the game in terms of time and financially. The whole paid subscription thing is a bit iffy for me but the free trial up to level 20 is a great tool to tempt gamers in to the world of Azeroth.

The game is utterly enormous now with six expansions having been added over time and four gaming/realm types to try your hand at – there’s so much to do it’s almost impossible not to get hooked. The South Park episode centring on WoW is heavily exaggerated but there is an amount of truth to the plot – watch it for everything you need to know!

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Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.