10 Scariest Villains Of The Decade (So Far)
From monstrous beasts to possessed grandmas.

You've heard this phrase before, and you will hear it again - a hero is only as good as their villain. There's a reason this idiom has become such a cliche; it's because it is simply too true. Who is Luke Skywalker without Darth Vader? Who is Batman without the Joker? Who is Mario without Bowser? A story needs a good villain to thrive.
Now, there are many ways that a villain can make a good impression on an audience. Some are charmingly evil and fun to watch, whereas others confront you with twisted but understandable motives that challenge your beliefs. Then, of course, there are villains who simply make you need a new change of trousers. This list will explore the latter.
Yes, the gaming industry has seen some haunting characters throughout the years. Classic names like Pyramid Head or Gigyas are a few examples of creepy villains who have withstood the test of time. But the modern gaming landscape is no stranger to a terrifying villain or two (or ten).
So, let's go through this first half of the decade's most diabolical antagonists who left you wondering if you were brave enough to beat their games.
10. Malus Thorm - Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3 has no shortage of unsettling villains. If anything, it's bursting at the seams with enemies who could snatch a place on this list. Still, while the likes of Orin the Red and Balthazar will get your blood pumping, the dreaded Malus Thorm will freeze your veins straight up.
Thorm is a twisted surgeon you can encounter within the Shadow-Cursed Lands in the ironically named House of Healing. It's ironic because he's more in the business of hurting his patients than helping them.
This disturbing monster is a follower of Shar, meaning he celebrates pain and suffering. As such, he performs heinous acts of mutilation with a methodical coldness and brutality. His painfully clinical approach to torture will send a chill up your spine, as will his creepy, Silent Hill-like nurses.
His design is also haunting, with mechanical arms giving him bladed fingers - all the better for torture - and his mutilated face sporting a constant grin that shows just how much he loves to hurt others.