10 Shocking Times Older Wrestling Games Did Graphics Better
4. Kurt Angle
Games: WWE 2K20 (left) and WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2006 (right)
Time Between Release: 14 years.
One has to wonder what in the name of Olympic gold happened here? Why does Kurt Angle resemble a reptile made of plasticine rather than the wrestling machine he is? Feast your eyes on THQ's work for SmackDown vs. Raw 2006 on the right to see a more well-crafted take on the now-retired legend.
Obviously (before someone points it out), these are different eras of Angle's career. 2K20 is going for the start of that career, whereas SmackDown vs. Raw '06's model was current when it launched and didn't have the hair. Even so, it's unforgivably poor that 2K consider the face scan on the left acceptable for a video game released 14 years after the one on the right.
If this is "photo-realism", then waxy, larger-than-life action figure replications of WWE stars win this round.