10 Things Every Video Game Needs To Learn From The Witcher 3

5. Everybody Got A Satisfying Ending

As the endings of Halo 2, Mass Effect 3, Assassin€™s Creed III and countless others have shown, video games have a tough time delivering satisfying endings. Even great games often either limp their way to the finish line with an uninspired final boss or surprise you with a twist that ruins everything beforehand. The Witcher 3 was sold as the finale to a trilogy of games, and as a finale it is wholly satisfying. Not only does it feature a showdown between Geralt and the big bad of the game, but it also prioritises the characters over anything else. Geralt and Ciri are the heart of the story, and no matter how cheerful or tragic of an ending you earn, it always feels right. The proper time is dedicated to wrapping things up, and a succinct epilogue satisfyingly summarises all the various conclusions, many of which are determined by choices you made throughout the game, with no surprise twist to be found. The Witcher 3 really is a perfect example of how to end a video game. It is satisfying to the player without sacrificing narrative consistency. It doesn€™t anger or disappoint, either. Far too many games end up falling flat on their faces in an attempt to go all out, but The Witcher 3 is a reminder to simply stay the course and deliver a confident finale that's epic in of itself.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.