10 Times Video Game Critics Got It Wrong

1. Fallout 4

Zelda Skyward Sword Metacritic

Metacritic Score: 8.7

Critic Score: 6.6

Bethesda's latest game may have done pretty well with its review scores, but most fans unanimously agree that it's their most disappointing game.

Fallout 4 was actually pretty good in a lot of regards, but the one major thing it lacked in was RPG gameplay, which is what the series was founded upon and most loved for. Gone were perks and in was base-building.

Change isn't a bad thing in most games, but it went too far with Fallout 4. It didn't feel like a natural evolution of the formula, and instead felt like a different game altogether. Combat was arguably the only thing that was improved, and that wasn't what people were looking for in a Fallout game.

Critics didn't see it the same way. Fallout 4 was considered as one of the best games in that year, which is is a massive overstatement. Fallout 4 is a good game, but it's made nowhere near the impact it could, and should, have.


What game do you think the critics got wrong? Let us know in the comments.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.