10 Times Video Games Were TOO Realistic

3. Updated Taxes - Sims 4


Over the years, the Sims 4 developers have added plenty of updates and patches to flesh out the game after its rather lackluster launch. The updates have included things like swimming pools, ghosts, functional toddler life stages, and... a more realistic depiction of paying taxes.


Death and taxes are the two things every human and apparently every Sim can be certain of. Instead of the simplified tax system that previous Sim games utilized, Sims 4 takes its tax game to extremes, splitting your Sims' cost of living between utilities and property tax, as well as raising the price significantly for the size and value of your property.

Say goodbye to covering your expenses with a fraction of your paycheck! The improved tax system is more likely to take away almost all of it, and if you don't get the money on time, you get to experience the simulated nightmare of having your water and electricity cut off as the repo man lurks right around the corner to take away all of your stuff.

You know the economy is bad when even the Sims can't afford to take a shower.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.