10 Times Your Unfinished Business In Video Games Caught Up With You

9. Clarice's Infection Shouldn't Be Ignored - House Of Ashes

Dragon Age Inquisition
Supermassive Games

In House of Ashes, the third installment of Supermassive Games' Dark Pictures horror anthology series, you play as a team of soldiers discovering a hive of vampire-like aliens.

Just like regular vampires, the aliens are capable of turning anyone into one of their own by biting them, so you want to avoid alien nibbles at all times.

That said, there is one character who gets bitten no matter what—Clarice. And although you have the choice to let her stay in your group after you discover it, you actually want to finish her off as quickly as possible.

When the game gives you the option between abandoning Clarice or letting her tag along despite her condition, you might be thinking that there is a way to find a cure for her later on. The thing is, because Clarice gets bitten the earliest out of the whole team, by the time you discover it, it's too late.

Clarice will transform no matter what you do, and if she's travelling with the other soldiers, she will bring down more people with her.

You may not like it, but it's better to cut her loose and doom her to death right away, as this way at least no one else suffers.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.