10 Tips From Games For Surviving A Zombie Holocaust

2. Know That Absolutely Anything Can Be Useful

As you're scavenging through derelict houses and abandoned cars it will be easy to overlook some things that may prove to be far more useful than they first appear. Before discarding things that initially appear useless, take a second look and try to reconsider their worth. The likelihood of stumbling across a military grade armoury in your quest for survival is on a par with the chances of winning the lottery, and so your survival will be dependent on the everyday items you can fashion into weapons or protective devices. In episode one of Telltale's 'Walking Dead' video game, for example, players will at one stage notice a simple pillow in the middle of a motel parking lot. Most players will have simply scoffed at this seemingly pointless item at first, as I myself admittedly did. This pillow is, however, crucial to ensuring you are able to dispatch one particular zombie without alerting the others to your presence. Players are able to press the pillow to the groaning zombie's skull, allowing it to act as a silencer for the gun used by one of your companions. Without the silencing effects of the pillow the gunshot would have alerted the other undead walkers to the players' presence, and so the risk would have been too great and advancement towards the motel could be impossible. So always be mindful of the things you disregard as useless, as they could be far more crucial as they first appear.

Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.