10 Unique Video Game Fights That Play Like NOTHING Else

9. The Flower - Drakengard 3

Death Stranding Higgs Fight
Access Games

Given that the Drakengard series' bread and butter is sweet sword fights, it's weird that the franchise has made a habit of having its last boss fight completely different.

In Drakengard 3, the final fight of Branch D sees you trade in your fancy anime blade - and seemingly your ability to attack - in order to play what can only be described as a sudden, unexpected rhythm game. To add a healthy dash of weirdness, said fight is against a series of giant white statues that should be awfully familiar to you, as one of them is the character you've been playing as this whole time, and her eccentric "sisters".

Not only is this fight totally different to what you've experienced thus far, but it's also devilishly hard, as if you make one single mistake, you'll fail the boss fight. Worse yet, the song the rhythm you need to match randomly changes several times throughout the boss, leaving you a few seconds to either pick it up, or scream in frustration at your TV as you die for the seven millionth time.


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