10 Video Game Achievements You Had To Die To Unlock

7. Purple Heart - Call Of Duty: World At War

The Callisto Protocol

The description for Call of Duty: World at War's Purple Heart achievement vaguely instructs the player, "When staring into the face of adversity, show courage and persevere."


In reality, this 'cheev is popped by dying 20 times in a single campaign level. Given that you probably won't die 20 times in any mission while playing on Regular difficulty, there are some easy ways to cheese the achievement.

First and foremost, as soon as a level starts, simply cook a grenade, causing your explosive death. Upon dying you'll respawn and can rinse and repeat the act 19 more times until you've satisfied the requirement.

The other option is to just play the campaign mode on Veteran difficulty, and given that World at War is both celebrated and denigrated for its absurdly difficult Veteran campaign, most players will unlock this achievement pretty damn quickly without making any active effort to do so.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.