10 Video Games Everyone Loves To Hate (That Totally Don't Deserve It)

2. Assassin's Creed: Syndicate

Assassin's Creed Syndicate

The Consensus:"Ubisoft never learn from their mistakes", "Unity was the final nail in the coffin"

The Truth: It was always going to take a balls-up of monumental proportions to slow down the annual release juggernaut that was Assassin's Creed, but a triple-A game where the characters' own faces won't stay on will do just that.

As such, Unity was all people needed to release the pressure switch after years of becoming increasingly sick of the same old mechanics was such a game, and afterwards even Ubisoft have locked the franchise away, Raiders of the Lost Ark-style.

Syndicate though, did learn from many of the series' past mistakes. It reintroduced the present day element to show Ubi did care about that side of things from all those original games, spruced up the stealth mechanics with threat rings and one-button movement modes to evade enemies - even dual male/female protagonists Jacob and Eevie Frye were a response to the lack of a playable female in Unity.

As a result, Syndicate is the best-playing AC since Black Flag, you just wouldn't know it, because we've been too busy running the other way.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.