10 Video Games That Are Totally Different By The End

1. Star Ocean: Till The End Of Time

Uncharted Drake's Fortune

For the bulk of its play time, Star Ocean: Till the End of Time appears to be a totally on-the-level entry into the hit RPG franchise, until the ending drops an absolute clanger of a twist, that the "reality" of the game has actually been an MMORPG-esque simulation called the Eternal Sphere, created by an advanced civilisation.

The twist remains massively divisive with the fanbase almost 20 years later, with many feeling that it came too far out of left-field while failing to give the player sufficient time to take it in before the game wrapped up.

Furthermore, it's a creative decision that's boxed the franchise in ever since, with subsequent entries into the series basically forced to take place before this game due to its shocking climactic revelation.

The ending admittedly has its fair share of defenders, and certainly more so in recent years as meta storytelling has become more in vogue, but nobody expected such an insane, fourth wall-shattering twist when they started playing the game - for better or worse.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.