10 Video Games Where You Can Only Die ONCE

3. Wildfrost

ancestors the humankind odyssey

Wildfrost is a 2023 roguelike deckbuilder about a village of adventurers trying to save their world from an eternal winter.

Despite its cute art style, the game has become notorious for being extremely difficult, partially due to the fact that the tiniest mistake will cost you the life of your adventurer, forever.

Each time you start a run, you get to choose from three randomly generated heroes. Each has a unique ability and appearance, which means two things.

One, no matter how much you play, you won't come across the same character twice. And two, if your character dies at any point, you won't be able to play as them ever again either.

Each hero has only one chance to save their frozen land, which can be especially brutal when you've rolled an incredibly powerful character and they die due to a completely stupid and predictable mistake. Worst of all, Wildfrost keeps track of every character that dies in a special record book, so you can never forget about all the poor souls you've doomed during your playthrough.

Ah, yes! Survivor's guilt! Everyone's favorite fun activity.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.