10 Ways Rocksteady Should Have Made Batman: Arkham Knight
7. Have Side-Missions That Do Their Characters Justice
It comes to something when even Mr. Freeze's mission only lasts a few minutes. Coming off Arkham City and what's easily one of the most influential boss battles of all time, fans were rightly expecting Victor's story segment to be another one for the ages.
Nope, like every other character that had previously been given the appropriate attention to detail, his portrayal was shunted and crammed into a couple of cutscenes and not much else. Hush's appearance - although memorable - was more of a visual where we played as a fake Bruce Wayne, before switching control and slamming him through a table.
Professor Pyg got one of the most dark and twisted inclusions of them all, but others like Firefly, Two-Face and Man-Bat were reconciled to one gameplay mechanic repeated multiple times. Sadly, despite Rocksteady's most impressive character models yet, they felt like busywork, and when you've got characters like these on-hand, not making the most of them was just disappointing.