10 Weird Origins Behind Iconic Video Game Weapons

2. The BFG 9000 (Doom)

Final Fantasy 7 Remake
id Software

It's safe to say that playing with wicked toys when you're a kid can lead to some major creative inspirations when you grow up, as toys often act as a child's first eye into using their imagination. It's also safe to say that the legendary BFG 9000 from Doom took that lesson to heart.  

That's right, this massive destroyer of demons is, in fact, based on a toy. 

The Big F***ing Gun is arguably Doom's most iconic dealer of death and destruction. But its design came from a much simpler and less deadly place, that being a Toys R' Us blaster called The Machine, made by Fuyaco.  

When taking this toy gun and holding up another one right next to it, you can see that the BFG 9000 is designed after it, with each detail matching perfectly. The devs used this goofy sci-fi toy as the basis for the BFG, splicing two of them together to capture the high-tech look of this massive hand-held cannon. 

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