10 Weirdest Alternate Costumes In Video Games

1. Cod Of War - God Of War 2

bayonetta star fox

Right. I feel this outfit was purely made for the pun alone. I'm not sure, but I have a sneaky feeling.

To put this into perspective: a man blinded by rage, imbued with the greatest bloodlust and sexual desire of any man in the world ever has a costume which dresses him up as a fish and replaces his Blades of Athena with fishhooks.

When the new God of War arrives I'd be sorely disappointed if the Cod of War doesn't make a comeback; Kratos' son needs to understand the fishy situations he'll be in.


What were the best alternative costumes? Let us know in the comments!


Likes games and movies, writing scripts and listening to Stereophonics, Noel Gallagher, Metallica, Manic Street Preachers.