13 Terrible Levels In Otherwise Awesome Video Games
7. The Water Temple - The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
In fairness, Ocarina of Time's Water Temple is one of the most divisive levels in the history of gaming, with many dismissing it as an overlong, needlessly difficult bore, while others deem it a delightfully challenging mountain that begs to be climbed.
For the non-masochists among us, though, it's awful. From the treading-through-treacle underwater controls to the ease with which the player can get lost, not to mention having to go to the menu to equip and de-equip your iron boots, it reeks of busy-work in its every pore.
Don't even think about putting the controller down to tackle it in multiple sittings, either, because it only becomes even more confusing then. The Water Temple is the epitome of frustrating busy-work for its own sake, intended to irritate the player and suck away hours of their life.
Yes, the feeling of elation once you finally got through it was like almost nothing else gaming can offer, but was it really worth all that hair-pulling torment?