15 Video Games That Every True Gamer Should Have Completed
8. Metal Gear Solid
You know what I remember the most about MGS? Tapping circle. Over and over again, until my thumbs hurt and my fingers cramped. I, of course, refer to the Metal Gear Solid torture scene, a part of the game I could never, ever do without the use of a turbo controller. Imagine my surprise when I downloaded the game again from the PSN earlier this year and did it first time. This taught me two valuable lessons: one, I was pathetically weak as a child, and two: Metal Gear Solid still remains an incredibly awesome experience even in the whatever-this-period-of-time-is-called. The 2010ies? Who knows. Anyway, MGS, the first experience many of us had with Solid Snake's ever-twisting and turning storyline, was a masterpiece of game design, storytelling and wonderment. It's a game I could play through over and over again and not be bored, perfecting my runs, using the stealth suit to mess with enemies and gunning everything down in sight with the use of the bandana after I cheated and used a turbo controller to pass the torture scene. Although every game in the MGS series has been to a genuinely high standard, the original game is where it all began and should, by default, be extremely high on any gamer's priority list. Snake may have a pixellated face in it and the graphics aren't good by modern standards, but at the time MGS revolutionised the stealth gameplay genre and delivered a game that would spurn forth a franchise that now spans an incredible four generations of video game consoles. If you've never experienced MGS, this one should be extremely high on your list. Learning the beginning of the MGS saga, including Liquid Snake's questionable mullet, Revolver Ocelot's missing hand and more is an experience you'll never forget.
Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.