16 Most Replayable Levels In Gaming History

1. The Tanker - Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty

Although MGS: Ground Zeroes tried to make lightning strike twice when it was released as a tiny portion of an upcoming game (for around £30), back when Zone of the Enders came out it was bundled with MGS 2's Tanker section for free. Considering back in 2001 Metal Gear was yet to go off the deep end (and up it's own Snake-hole) with a myriad of crazy plot elements and bait n' switches regards to who you'd play as, the world couldn't get enough of this level. It helped that the whole thing encouraged experimentation like nothing else, letting you play with the enemy A.I., discover places to hide, routes to take, saucy photos to find - not to mention the cutscenes and narrative itself was just as enticing. Come the release of the full game this was one incredible way to kick things off, and regardless of whether you think Raiden 'ruined' MGS 2 alongside the vampires and arm-possessed villains, every part of the Tanker's section is damn-near immaculate. What are the levels you couldn't wait to replay across all of gaming history? Let us know in the comments, and don't forget to sign up to our new Gaming page on Facebook!
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