17 Best Video Game Covers Of All-Time

10. L.A. Noire (1996)

Why It's Great:

It€™s not often that the cover of a video game could easily be mistaken for a promotional poster for a film. LA Noire€™s cover looks like it€™s come straight from Hollywood and will be gracing billboards and buses all over the world. You€™d be forgiven for thinking Cole Phelps was an actor who had been retouched to the point of oblivion. No other video game cover has been quite as Hollywood as L.A. Noire.

How It Represents The Game:

The game itself plays out like a movie and is very focused on narrative. Cole Phelps, the obvious star from the cover, is also developed very deeply as a character through flashbacks and gameplay. The use of red and blue hues for the images in the background mirror the flashing lights atop police cars while the colours also represent the themes of the game. The red part of the background showing police investigating a murder gives off a sense of danger while the blue, showing a woman, seems to represent Phelps€™ love life - cold and aloof.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.