18 Most WTF Gaming Industry Moments Of 2017

13. Mass Effect Is Put "On Ice" Following Andromeda's Disastrous Launch

Mass Effect Andromeda

Mass Effect: Andromeda's embarrassing launch was one of 2017's biggest gaming stories, considering how well-received the three prior games were - the third game's ending notwithstanding - and how sloppily-produced Andromeda was by comparison.

Scoring a hugely underwhelming 71 Metascore and becoming an Internet-wide laughing stock for its janky facial animations upon launch, EA responded by declaring the franchise to be "on ice", and that no new Mass Effect games were being worked on for the time being.

While this in no way means that the series is dead, it's clear that Mass Effect is going on hiatus while EA rethinks production on the fifth game. Simply, don't expect another entry into the series for quite some time, and don't be surprised if it ends up being a radical reboot.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.