20 Mind-Blowing Things You Didn't Know About Grand Theft Auto 3

1. Certain Car Sound Effects Came From Batman: The Animated Series

GTA 3 20 Years
Warner Bros.

Did you read the title here and say 'Wait: what?'. Yep, us too!

As mad as it sounds, several of the in-game car sound effects, including those of the Diablo Stallion, first appeared in Batman: The Animated Series.

More specifically, the sound effects were used in the 1992 episode Joker's Wild, and the effects were used for the car that Joker drives in a chase sequence with Batman.

Of course sound effects bleeding between different mediums is nothing new - the Wilhelm scream, for example, gets used constantly in movies - but the bizarre link here of the sound effects moving from an animated series about Batman to Rockstar's magnum opus of open world game design is incredible stuff.

Maybe someone, somewhere at Rockstar HQ back in the day was a huge Batman: Animated Series fan?

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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.