20 Reasons 2017's Biggest Video Games Might Suck

2. Too Much Reliance On "Emergent Gameplay" - Sea Of Thieves

Destiny 2

Why It Might Suck: Rare's new multiplayer pirate adventure led to some of the most cringe-worthy interviews at last year's E3, as the development team offered up "no comment" to so many compelling journalist questions, making it clear that a lot was being held back.

There's just no concrete indication yet that the game is actually going to deliver more than a piecemeal experience, especially as it seems built on the idea of creating stories with your friends rather than actually getting engrossed in a proper narrative. That could easily kill the game for a big chunk of its potential player-base.

Why It Might Not: Emergent gameplay can work, and if Sea of Thieves becomes a streamer's favourite, it could easily catch on as a cult phenomenon. Also, Rare are taking their time refining the game in closed betas, so hopefully the end result will be worth it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.