8 Bad Video Games EVERYONE Played (And Beat!)
Those terrible games we all played to the end.

With so many amazing video games being released every month, who among us has time for bad games?
And yet, no matter how diligent we might be, there isn't a player among us who hasn't been stung by some white-hot gaming trash.
Generally speaking, there are few hugely commercially successful video games which were largely loathed by critics and players alike, but there are nevertheless some sure exceptions.
Sometimes a game just has an appealing enough premise or pretty enough visuals that we positively have to play it, even if that voice in the back of our head might tell us not to.
And that's certainly true of these video games, each of which rode a tidal wave of hype to commercial success, whereby it seemed like just about everybody was playing them.
But these games weren't merely played by the masses - the vast majority of players seemed to play them right to the finish line, admittedly in large part because most of these games mercifully weren't very long.
All the same, despite their less-than-stellar reputation in the gaming space, these games were played by vast swaths of gamers all the way to the end credits...
8. Enter the Matrix

It's basically impossible to overstate the hype for the Matrix sequels in 2003, to which end a tie-in video game, Enter the Matrix, was released the very same day that The Matrix Reloaded hit cinemas around the world.
Even accepting that the game didn't allow players to control Neo - switching instead between supporting characters Niobe and Ghost - the promise that the game's story was directly linked to that of the movie sequels, and would even feature oodles of live-action video starring the cast of the films, made it a commercial smash hit.
Enter the Matrix sold over 5 million units within its first year of release, no matter that it its central gameplay was woefully clunky - whether in combat or driving a car - and the storyline made for an ultimately forgettable addition to the Matrix canon.
And yet, because the marketing played-up the fact that beating the game would unlock a new trailer for the third Matrix film, The Matrix Revolutions, of course we all played it to the end.