8 Smart Video Games With Incredibly Dumb Twists

2. Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Edgelord Is An Edgelord

Fire Emblem

Hey, so, you know Edelgard? The character we’ve given several monologues about gaining power and not really feeling the whole ‘church’ thing, and also slathered with proto-fascist imagery at all opportunities? She’s uh, she’s sort of planning something.

Yeah. Thanks, Three Houses. I sort of got that.

To Three Houses' credit, the game is quite successful in presenting different sides of a conflict without defining any one side as especially evil. Unfortunately, it does this by cutting out important reveals, depending on which side you ally with. Edelgard’s breakup with the church stays consistent, but the circumstances around it don’t. This is all further complicated by Three Houses' frustratingly incomplete story arcs that only give you the whole picture after you’ve pieced together divergent timelines that contradict each other.

Ultimately, the story ends up being a bit of a mess no matter which route you choose. It’s still a great RPG despite this, though, and after all this, Edelgard’s route is still the best. Fight me.

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