8 Times The Internet Lied To You About Your Childhood Pokemon Cards

5. Ancient Mew - Movie Promo

The Ancient Mew card featured in the second Pokémon Movie, The Power of One and came bundled and sealed alongside another random promotional card. The text is in a made-up mythical Pokémon language and while incredibly unique this just adds to the confusion and people assume the card is expensive as a result of the language.

There are a ton of interesting facts about Ancient Mew - when the card first came out in Japan it was also given away at the cinema but Westerners got wind that a different promo was coming to America and Europe.

This meant the only way you could get the card was if you hopped on a plane to Japan and was lucky enough to get one at the cinema, of which all cinemas were in short supply.

Due to the hype, the card started selling for upwards of £2,500 but the market took a hefty hit when Ancient Mew did, in fact, come to America and Europe and absolutely tanked in price.

What helped spike the initial price was on a select number of the original Japanse versions the word Nintendo, which can be found at the bottom of the card, was misspelt as 'Nintedo', the third 'n' was missing.

Mistakes like this rarely happen with an official product licensed by Nintendo and while the miss-print sells for way more than the regular copy, the standard version that you may have, even sealed in its original wrapper sells for around £10 in Near Mint condition.


Trading card aficionado. Stubborn Sega fan.