8 Video Games That Escaped Development Hell (And Turned Out Terrible)

7. Too Human

Duke Hell
Silicon Knights

It's a pretty sorry story that the biggest impact Too Human had on the video games industry was that it effectively killed its developer, Silicon Knights.

Too Human was a game ten years in the making, having started out as a PS1 title before jumping over to the Gamecube, finally settling on Microsoft's Xbox 360. Just reading that sentence out aloud is utterly baffling. Not only did the game skip TWO CONSOLE GENERATIONS but also bounced between the big three platforms before landing on its face.

With an overbearingly long death animation, generic action, and an abysmally stiff camera, Too Human held all the hallmarks of a game stuck in the past, yet nothing too egregious, right? How could mediocrity kill a developer? Well, you see, Too Human also has a dark secret, namely that while it claims to be built on the "Silicon Knights Engine" this was actually the Unreal Engine that the devs had slapped more code on top of. And that my friends is VERY ILLEGAL on a non-open source bit of kit.

This led to the dev being sued out of existence and Too Human actually being removed from sale, being cast back into the pits of hell again. Mercifully Microsoft added the game back into its ranks but only after years of silence. To be fair, the resurrection animation took just as long so it's pretty apt.

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