8 Ways Greed Is Wrecking Modern Gaming

6. Rehashed Older Games

mario money

Why should a corporation invent brand new products when they can just modify an existing product, ever so slightly, and then sell it again at full retail price?

Rather than craft a true successor to Skyrim in the form of a brand new Elder Scrolls game (Valenwood, or perhaps Hammerfell), for example, Bethesda's creativity extends no further than a rehash of Skyrim's graphics (many mods offer this for free) which will only be available, even to those who bought the initial game, at premium price. The lazy intention is to exploit Xbox 360 gamers who, having transitioned to Xbox One since Skyrim's release, have discovered the game to be non-backwards compatible.

The sheer embarrassment of this money-grab is complete when Skyrim: Special Edition is compared to Skywind - pictured above - a spectacular modded remake of Morrowind created entirely by volunteer fans; available free of charge.

Even more embarrassing, however, was a scam by EA exposed in 2013; instead of selling loyal FIFA fans the improved game they were promised, the version of FIFA 13 on Wii was exactly the same as FIFA 12, albeit with updated team rosters.


Josh Fox hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.