9 Disastrous Mistakes That Killed Star Wars Battlefront 2

2. Repetitive Map Algorithms Lack Variety & Reinforce Grind

Battlefront 2 First Order

A lot of Battlefront 2 is grind. Grinding for better weapons, grinding to upgrade damage outputs and grinding to improve incremental things like ship turning circles and regenerating health speed, one percentage at a time.

Although this isn't exactly the most "fun" unless you like seeing numerics go up, it would be more acceptable if the game's maps were doled out with more variety. As it stands, Starfighter Assault favours Fondor above all else, meaning you'll repeatedly be beamed back into the same map over and over, with only a few others ever popping up.

Same goes for Blast and Strike, which more often than not, place you on the same two or three maps, without rotating the entire amount.

With no matchmaking options outside of literally telling the game which mode you fancy, there's no way to filter down which maps or eras you prefer, and it only reinforces how much you're banging your head against the game's inherently grind-heavy nature.

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