9 Things Dark Souls 3 Simply Must Have

8. Better Hit-Boxes

Despite appearances, Dark Souls is less like Legend of Zelda and more like a game of chess. Bosses can destroy you in a couple of hits, and even more common enemies will ruin your day if you don't handle them carefully. Every encounter is something you have to plan out, and one mistimed roll or badly chosen strike will spell instant death. This makes the often horrific hitboxes of the game all the more frustrating. Dying because you made a mistake is fair enough, but dying due to a bug in the game is not. Seeing an enemy's attack completely and utterly miss, or see your sword swing through the enemy, only for it to not count as it should, is one of the biggest rage quit-inducing things about Dark Souls. The line between succeeding and dying is thin enough already, and there's only so many unfair deaths that gamer's will put up with before moving on to a better polished game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aum1r27I7PI

Currently living the dream by studying in Wales and writing articles about the things I love for beer money. My proudest achievements are teaching myself Accordion and getting my head round the off-side rule.