9 Video Games That Didn't Know How To End

1. No Man's Sky (Launch Version)

no mans sky
Hello Games

Few games have had such seismic turnarounds as No Man's Sky.

While personally I always loved what Hello Games were able to achieve - an exploration-heavy sci-fi extravaganza where the isolation of charting the cosmos was key - holy christ did they drop the ball on an ending.

Set up as part of the game's marketing, Sean Murray repeatedly noted that there would be something "special" at the centre of the galaxy, and when gameplay then required hundreds of hours of planet-hopping and survival to get there, it better be worth it.

What happened though?

Well, you click on the final central star and... nothing.

Slowly your viewpoint zooms outwards, far back past every other planet you visited or could've visited, until the whole game has reset itself, and all your time and progress was for nothing.

Thankfully, Hello Games have overhauled No Man's Sky's story, hammering home all the notions of purpose and humanity's need to see what's on the horizon, but that original version? Eeesh.


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