9 Ways Assassin's Creed Odyssey Is Dividing The Fanbase

4. HUD, Menus & Game Aesthetic Looks IDENTICAL To Origins

assassins creed odyssey

Ubisoft are nothing if not profitable. They reuse game engines more than Bethesda, churn out titles left, right and centre on shared tech, and for Assassin's Creed Odyssey in particular, look to essentially be making it one ginormous expansion of Origins.

So far so good. It is developed by the same dev team as Origins and the two projects have overlapped considerably, but you can't get around the fact everything from the loadout screen to in-flight eagle gameplay could be mistaken for either Odyssey or Origins.

To some it's not a problem; the UI is functional, identifiable and stylish enough. To others though, it's a bitter reminder that an annual release schedule for AC means cutting a lot of corners for no reason other than profitability.

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