AEW: Fight Forever - 15 Best Looking Characters

10. Bryan Danielson

AEW Fight Forever Sting

Right, some housekeeping first: Bryan Danielson's character does not look excellent during his entrance. It's rather bug-eyed, being totally honest. However, he still bags a spot in the top 10 because that's the only janky look this model has, and it won't take away from your experience of actually playing the game.

In menus and during matches, Danielson looks superb. He moves as you'd expect, and his face contorts into various grimaces that put across just how seriously Bryan takes pro wrestling. That, ladies and gents, is way more important to many gamers than how the character appears up close with strobe lights shining in his face.

Great work.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.