10. It's Genuinely Threatening
In part thanks to the near-future setting, and the plausability factor of the story, Black Ops 2 has a real resonance, all zombies aside, of course. Though that day surely can't be that far away on the horizon when our mobile phones rise up and kill us all... or at least a terrorist force like Anonymous take over key tech and weapons placements and take their threats to the next level. The story of a technological uprising (albeit one led by human actions) is hardly an old one when it comes to sci-fis and horrors, and that's because of how universal a fear it plays upon, about lack of control and vulnerability against an impenetrable foe. The same fear propelled the Cold War, and it is no surprise to see that Treyarch have chosen to set the game during two Cold Wars themselves. The success of the fear element of the story, which will surely determine exactly how gripping it will be beyond the shooting and dodging bullets, will rely on the foundation of some universal fears. And those foundations should be strong, given how much work seems to have gone into keeping the events of the story as close to reality (or as plausible) as possible.