Chrono: 15 Defining Pieces Of Music

3. Sealed Door (Chrono Trigger) This theme serves as a fitting tribute to Balthasar, a character who is temporally displaced and finds himself stranded and alone in the apocalyptic future. It plays in the background as the player discovers his unenviable fate and final work, being both haunting and captivating in the process.

2. Schala€™s Theme (Chrono Trigger) Long before Aeris, there was Schala, a character who perishes during the course of Chrono Trigger and who players hopelessly sought for a way to revive. She€™d eventually return (in a sense) in Chrono Cross, but this piece conveys the tragedy of her being perfectly. On an interesting footnote, it was heavily sampled by rapper Wiz Khalifa on his track €˜Never Been€™, but to mention that in the same paragraph as this tune is almost criminal.
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Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.