E3 2013: 10 Reveals We Are Most Excited About

1. Answers

Really, while all the games are exciting and seeing what the console exclusives are, the real reason why E3 is going to be so hot this years is because everyone wants answers. It is an incredibly hot time in the whole industry and so much of its future of the entire meidum could be based on the answers we get from E3. There are big questions surrounding the second hand market, digital distribution, DRM, privacy and primary focus for all the big corporations that run the industry. How Sony, Microsoft, even EA and Activistion asnwer these questions could set a path to our future, at least in terms of mainstream gaming. People are worked up about all these issues because they do genuinely matter. It isn't entirely clear what are the right answers too all these questions are but it is pretty clear that the reaction is going to be strong from many sides in the industry. I can't remember a time when the industry was in such an intriguing state, and E3 is set to be the big showdown. As I have said previously, I am heading out to LA and if you like, you can get all the news and reactions from the smoking gun as I will be quite active on Twitter, which you can follow at @PatrickDane. Alternatively, I hope to be posting a flurry of articles as often as I can from the show and I will keep you all updated with what is great, what is disappointing and what you should all be looking out for.
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Patrick Dane is someone who spends too much of his time looking at screens. Usually can be seen pretending he works as a film and game blogger, short film director, PA, 1st AD and scriptwriter. Known to frequent London screening rooms, expensive hotels, couches, Costa coffee and his bedroom. If found, could you please return to the internet.